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Biofilms: A “sticky” situation for your nose
The Sinus Ninja Treatment™ can help.
Quick Summary
Biofilms are sticky mucus "blankets" made by pathogenic bacteria in the nose to protect themselves from antibiotic and immune system attack. The Sinus Ninja Treatment™ removes them leading to lasting nose and sinus health.
A million tiny fibers.
We’ve all experienced it. You get a new shirt, blouse, or pair of pants home only to find an unsightly inspection label stuck on it. You peel it off, in all its “inspected by #18” glory and notice it takes hundreds of tiny micro-fibers of your new favorite statement of couture along with it.
Now, just imagine how difficult it would be to clean the fibers off of that label. This is exactly how symptom-causing microbes embed themselves within the mucus layer of the membranes of your nose and sinuses. Biofilms are “sticky” cell colonies that bond to the mucus layer. Biofilm cells are protected from immune system attack and are resistant to antibiotics. What’s more, as white blood cells futilely secrete cell-eating enzymes, they damage the surrounding healthy tissue. This leads to further inflammation and irritation in your nose and sinuses. It’s a “sticky” situation that leads to chronic sinus trouble1, and a worsening of chronic sinus symptoms, allergies, and sets the stage for more frequent colds and flu’s.
My Top 5 Secrets!
Get your FREE PDF with my Top 5 Sinus Ninja Secrets that have helped my clients defeat sinusitis without drugs.
- Dr. Frank (Sinus Ninja)
Sinus Ninja gently defeats biofilms.
The Sinus Ninja Treatment™ combines the gentle power of fine mist inhalation with all-natural antimicrobial swab placement to defeat biofilm adhesion (stickiness). The aroma is deeply calming and refreshing, as the nasal and sinus passages are allowed to drain. Unlike nasal rinses and neti pots which can push allergens, pathogens, molds, and pollens deeper into the spirals of the nasal passages, the Sinus Ninja Treatment™ reduces biofilm adhesion and allows for a deeper and more complete drainage than is possible with nasal washes.
When can I get in?
- “There is increasing evidence that biofilms are critical to the pathophysiology of chronic infections including chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS).”
My TOP 5 Secrets!
Get your FREE PDF with my Top 5 Sinus Ninja Secrets that have helped my clients defeat sinusitis without drugs.
- Dr. Frank (Sinus Ninja)
First Treatment
40 minutes-
Required for NEW clients
Brief chat about your sinus problem
Please arrive 10 minutes ahead